Brand & corporate identity

Your brand is unique! The core of your brand and how you distinguish yourself is described in a brand & corporate identity; in other words, a brand strategy translated into sharp language and clear images. Do you want to get started? The strategists of REGGS are ready to help you.

Brand strategy that gets to your core

Your goal or destination

A brand and corporate identity describes who you are, what you stand for and where your dot on the horizon lies. A powerful brand identity, also called brand strategy, tells your deepest motivations and describes the way you pursue them. In other words, a vision and mission translated into core values. A brand strategy is the most important building block of your brand. It allows you to underpin everything you do and to work in a goal-oriented way. It provides the red thread, so to speak, in the process of building your brand.

Development of a brand strategy at REGGS

You can think of a brand strategy as the framework that will move your brand forward. It forms the basis for all communication and your visual identity. Is that something for you? The strategists at REGGS are happy to help you with that. We start together with a brand workshop. In it we will discover how your brand behaves, why and what is expected of your brand. The final document contains the basis for your positioning, proposition, mission, vision, added value and core values. We will optimize these together, until we are all proud of your final brand & corporate identity. This is the starting signal for you to strategically build your brand!  

Brand & corporate identity translated into a visual brand

Brands with a strong brand & corporate identity are more successful. Here the translation into a visual brand is very important. The designers at REGGS design striking identities based on a strong brand identity. Such an impressive corporate identity creates trust and recognition with your target group. Moreover, it forms the basis for all visual communication, such as websites, advertisements, animations and brochures. Want to get started with your brand identity & design? Feel free to contact our strategists and make a non-binding appointment.